Now, while waiting for the application being done and the necessary stuff I need to have for me to be able to get a job here in the US, I am wondering what would be my first job here. Would it be something that I wanted and be my lifetime career, or something that I'll just get just for me to be able to get a job. I mean, for my first, I will never be picky. I guess I'll take whatever comes first cos I really wanted to get a job, for two main reasons: to start saving money for mine and my husband's lifelong dream and to be able to help my parents in the Philippines. We know that our life would be so much better if it's not just my husband earning alone. But I'd still always hope that I'd like my first job cos if I'd be given a choice, I wanted to have a job that I'm gonna job until my retirement cos transferring job from another is really hard and I don't want another big adjustments in life, I already had a lot.
Well, I graduated with an Education course, so I'm also thinking of getting Masters in Curriculum and Instruction or MS Instruction at ST. Xavier's online. It would help us to prepare for continued development as a master teacher by letting curricular issues and their impact on instructional practice. They have the most experienced and competent practitioners that will help you achieve your goal as a master teacher. And taking it online would be a very good choice most especially when you are a busy mom like me.
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