Last night, Abi and Andy (my husband) both got new haircut. They even have the same hairstyle, almost skinhead. It was Andy who cut his hair and I did Andy's hair. We just bought the haircut kit for 11 bucks. We surely did saved a lot compared when we go to the barber shop to have their hair done.
I always wanted to give Abi this kind of haircut since he was a baby but my parents wouldn't let me. But now that we're here in Texas and it's almost summer again which means that it would be freakin' hot again (I'm talking about over a 100s temperature here). So it is really nice to have a super short hair.

This is the first time that Abi had this kind of haircut and he said that he likes it. Of course, he is just a toddler, so he doesn't know any difference. I also told my parents earlier over the phone about it and guess what they said, "ohhh...poor baby..". I still don't understand what not to like about this haircut and what made Abi a pitiful kid for having this kind of hairstyle. It is clean-looking and he looks more of a boy now.
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