We just got back from visiting
La Petite Academy for a tour at their school coz that's where we're planning to enroll Abi. And after this post, I'm gonna be filling up the paper works coz me and my husband, and of course, Abi, decided that we like their school. I'm just so excited that's why I made this post first.
To say that I'm surprise with my son's interrelationship skill is an understatement. He's a friendly kid and like what one of the teachers said while observing him earlier, he has good personality which can make him fit in easily in a new environment. In fact, earlier when we had him sit down with other preschoolers (about 7 of them), he sat down quietly, observing them, then after a few minutes, we saw him scoot closer to a kid and they started talking. He then was able to interact with the teacher and all other kids there while joining their activity. They played instruments and sang songs that they like. My son even started singing "Row, row, row your boat", then they all sang the song altogether.
While we were observing him, we knew right away that he loved it there. It was even proven right when we told him that we need to leave and he started crying coz he wanted to stay there. For just about 15 minute stay, he knew that he liked it there. Which why I'm glad coz he's gonna be in an environment where he's gonna have some fun and learn at the same time.
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