I always admire Moms, especially those who has a lot of kids, who despite of their busy lives and unpaid profession were still able to keep theirselves looking so pretty. That is because they know how to take care of themselves. And I wanna be that kind of Mom too.
I know I am a little vain, in come to taking care of my skin. Before, when I was younger, I just took my skin for granted, so I ended up with few scars on my legs. Now I am doing my best to take care of it. The scars on the legs can easily be covered with clothes though but not the ones on your face. Acne is our face's number enemy and I am doing good about not getting them on a regular basis. Good thing, it is so easy to find
acne treatment. But for me, prevention is always better than cure. That applies to everything, including taking care of the skin.
If you are a Mom and likes to staying pretty, please share your secret. I'm sure all the other Moms who reads my blog would love to hear it from another Mom like you.
(please read)
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