Before I decided to start his potty training, I searched online making sure I know what to do and expect. There are lots of helpful articles online, such as, that explains the whole process of potty training. I've learned that the child's readiness to potty can be different based on their personality and not just with age. I didn't know that until I read the articles. I just thought of start potty training him when I knew that my husband's nephew who is about the same age as my son started potty training already. But I realized that my son wasn't ready yet that time. So I waited and just couple of days ago, I tried and it worked.
I knew that he wasn't ready when I first tried it coz he never wanted to go on his potty until one morning he woke up while his Daddy's peeing. My husband asked him if he wants to go to and said yes, took off his diaper, and went to the toilet, standing and that's it! Well, actually it wasn't really it. That happened couple of months ago. We weren't consistent about taking him to potty coz most of the time he refused to go. And by the way, my son's really independent. He wants to do almost everything on his own and he always have the i-can-do-it-by-myself attitude.
Then, couple of days ago, all of a sudden, I thought of removing his diaper and just let him be naked the whole day. I told him how messy it would be if he would just go, but if he'd tell me that he wants to pee and will successfully pee in the toilet, he'll get a reward. Being true to my word, I gave him all sorts of rewards such as suckers, gummy bears, etc. I believe it helped coz he never made a mess. Since that time, he always tells me that he wants to go. After the he went that day, I put just an underwear on him.
On the second day, while I was cleaning the toilet, he hid from me, then I knew that something's going on. I knew it! He was pooping. So I called him to the toilet right away but it he already went. I still asked him to sit on his potty seat and finish it there. He ended up letting the half of his poop! We were jumping with joy!
Then third day came. He was already good about going to the toilet to pee all by himself. Got him new pairs of underwear. And the afternoon of that day, he told me that he needs to poop. That was it! The big day! He pooped in the toilet. And not just the half but the whole thing. I was even happier after he did it coz he said that he can wipe himself. Finally, we all said BYE TO DIAPERS!
Actually, we still have him wear diapers at night when he goes to bed. He would only pee once which will save us $15 a month. Probably, a week from now, we'll have him totally separated from diapers and we hopefully that we'll be successful with it.
It is such a relief to see your toddler go potty. Relief for not having to wipe poops and dispose stinky diapers, less cost from not buying diaper anymore, and the thought of his development as a growing up kid.