It has been 3 weeks since and I got my employment authorization card that proves my eligibility to work in the US. I have been searching jobs since I got it and guess what, I still don't have a job up to now. I'm wondering what could have been wrong. What's sad is there are lots of open jobs in our area (Austin, TX) and I applied for every jobs that I think I qualified but up to know, I didn't have a single interview yet. But I'm not giving up any hopes. My husband said it's too early for that.
Most of the jobs that I am looking for is in line with customer service coz that is where I am experienced at. I worked in a call center for two years where we troubleshoot networking devices and provide 100% customer satisfaction, for 2 years. I also worked as cashier in a department store where we are also required to render great customer satisfaction while we operate
POS systems.
Those are my only jobs so far though and I have them back in the Philippines. Now I am hunting for my very first job here in the US. I don't think it's easy, but like I said, I am not giving up at all. Just wish me luck!
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