I am so pleased with my son on how much he improved about
sharing. He is not used of being with other kids so he was really bad about it, but we say, he doesn't need to be around with kids for him to learn to share, he could learn to share with anyone as long as we are consistent about it.
Even just at home, we made sure that he shares so we'll try to ask him once in a while to share the things he owns with us, which are his toys. Then if he wanted something from anyone, he needs to ask properly, if they won't share it with, "it's fine cos they're the one who doesn't want to share", if they share, "say thank you to them".
It's actually pretty easy as long as he sees us sharing too. Then, we also tell him that it's fun to share so that he'd always have the enthusiasm for that. Of course, right now that he is still a toddler, he'd only share his toys and foods but if he's old enough, we'd teach him that there are some things that you can't share, like
your wife (lol).
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