It's so amazing how very simple things that make kids happy and all the while, you have been trying to do a lot of stuffs only to find out that just a moment spent with him is all he ever wanted, and I ever wanted as well.
My son is very jolly kid. He loves to laugh, do silly stuffs, make Mom and Dad happy, and does his best to be a good boy. We tried to give him everything he needed, material-wise, but that's not what he really wanted. All he wanted is attention and happiness shared with us.
I know that for sure cos I can see in his eyes the indescribable happiness he's feeling each time me, or his Dad, or both of us are playing with him or just do anything with him instead of just being alone with himself. But sad to say, there are times that he needed to be alone cos there are some things that we needed to do and he's not included. Each time that happens, I felt so bad, and so each time I get the chance to with him, I always make sure that it pays all the time that I can't.
So, if you have child like us, make sure that you spent a lot of time with them cos that's all they needed, a special TLC from us.
I am always a cameraholic. I like to take a picture of myself, any time and any place, until my son came into my life cos instead of taking picture of me, I love taking picture of him cos I wanted to capture every precious moments and I don't want to miss every single moment of it.
Good thing digital cameras were invented which helps us easily capture and save each moments that we wanna treasure. Unlike the analog ones we have before, we can choose which one we want to save and which one would go away without having every single picture developed. And with the help of computer, you can enhance the picture taken by a digital camera and make it more worth-keeping.
Before, I never really cared for my health because I was so confident to know that I have a strong immune system. I know that for sure cos I don't get sick easily. In fact, I have only been admitted to the hospital once (knock on wood) and that is when I gave birth to my son. But it changed when I got my baby. I realized how important health is cos having a baby is as same as having a precious gem that you don't want anything bad happen to it. And then, the phrase "Prevention is better than cure" had became my motto in comes to health and I assume you know why.
Anyway, talking about health, have you heard about the serious cancer disease known as Mesothelioma? It is a disease caused my exposure to asbestos. As for now, there's no known cure for that said disease but anyone who has it could undergo certain treatment.
I know, I don't need to say it but always put in your mind that "Prevention is always better than cure" before it'd be too late.
My son, at 2-year-old has his most favorite shows on TV now. Something that he'd really look for whenever the TV is switch on. But though we're letting him watch TV, we always make sure that what he's watching is good for him, something where he can learn from. That's why I am so glad that they created channels good for kids such as Nickelodeon and Noggin.
So, here are my son's TOP 5 Favorite Shows:
Five: Yo Gabba Gabba Nickelodeon Jr. Four: Phineas and Ferb Cartoon Network Three: The Wonder Pets Nickelodeon Jr. Two: Dora The Explorer & Go Diego Go Nickelodeon Jr. & Noggin One: Spongebob Squarepants Nickelodeon Jr.
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I am so pleased with my son on how much he improved about sharing. He is not used of being with other kids so he was really bad about it, but we say, he doesn't need to be around with kids for him to learn to share, he could learn to share with anyone as long as we are consistent about it.
Even just at home, we made sure that he shares so we'll try to ask him once in a while to share the things he owns with us, which are his toys. Then if he wanted something from anyone, he needs to ask properly, if they won't share it with, "it's fine cos they're the one who doesn't want to share", if they share, "say thank you to them".
It's actually pretty easy as long as he sees us sharing too. Then, we also tell him that it's fun to share so that he'd always have the enthusiasm for that. Of course, right now that he is still a toddler, he'd only share his toys and foods but if he's old enough, we'd teach him that there are some things that you can't share, like your wife (lol).
Giving our child time-out is a way to discipline them. Some say that it's not really effective but I'll say it is based on my experience. It is just a matter of giving him the right approach and knowing when to give him time-out. If you're unsure when and how your child would be on time-out, read this article that I got from, All About Time-Outs.
Anyway, I'd like to share with you my son's video when he was on his time-out. He was put on time-out because he keeps getting into things that he's not supposed to and after a warning and telling him the consequences such as he might hurt himself, he still continued to do it. So, he sat on his bed for 3 minutes. Actually, it wasn't that bad cos he's facing the TV that has his favorite show, only that he is not allowed to get down and play with his toys or anything.
He didn't like it but he knew that he's gonna get it when he doesn't behave. It was not a way of punishment but to straighten him up whenever he does the things that he is not supposed to and might hurt him or anyone else.
Guess what? I'm thinking about the coming Holidays now. I know it's way too early yet I can't help myself because I can't wait to see my son who would be 3-years-old by that time to open his gifts that he would surely love. That doesn't mean that I'm not giving him gifts before Holidays, of course I will, but you know how much kids loves to open gifts, I mean lots of gifts during that season.
Anyway, I just happened to remember one commercial from Walmart during last year's Holiday. It was about a kid who can't stop himself from smiling after he received his gift which is a gift card. So, he went to Walmart and got himself a Nintendo DS. So, I thought, it would be a great idea to give gift cards if you don't know what they want or you want them to have the freedom to choose what they really wanted.
Sure, Mommy can be as sexy as how they wanted to be. That's what came into my mind when I was surfing the net and I saw this leather lingerie. It's not just sexy but also elegant-looking.
Even if we are already Mommies and sometimes forget about taking care of ourselves cos we are all about our children, we can still be what we wanted to be. Actually, it is a sin to take ourselves for granted cos it is important for us to make an effort to look good for ourself and for our spouse.
As someone who stays at home most of the time, I'm so attached with the TV cos it is one of my major source of entertainment. I normally like reality shows. One of my favorite shows now is The City on MTV where Whitney from The Hills found jobs in Manhattan. Oh wait, I'm not sure if it was in Manhattan but I know for sure that it was in New York.
Anyway, the show is all about her life in the city. The changes she has with her jobs, with the new people she meets, and everything.
I like a lot of reality shows though but it's The City that I've been watching lately.
My son is just learning a lot of things. Some things we don't know where he got it from. One of the things that I observed from him these past few days is he's correcting us whenever we say something and not supposed to be said. Just like when he complain that he is thirsty, we ask him if he wants water, he'd say "not water, juice". Then there was one time that he's sticking his fingers in his glass, his Dad tell him not to stick his hands in his glass and he answered, "not hands, fingers". It's kinda funny for me.
But one thing that bothers me a lot is when he is playing or messing up with things that he is supposed to. I may want to watch him every single second but it's too impossible cos I need to do some personal things. Just like the other day, he was playing with ball lock pins. No matter how I tell him that he can only play his toys and things, he still loves to mess around with some other things. Kids will be kids, they're always curios and the more you say no, the more they wanted to do it but I'd still say no whenever I needed to cos some things may hurt him if he'd keep doing it.
There is no other wonderful thing in my life than my son. He is everything I have, and always will, forever.
Just look at him. He looks like an angel. Actually, I consider him my angel cos he touched my life like no one else did. When he came into my life, everything's changed. My family and friends can testify to that. I don't know how and I don't know why, all I know is I'm a better person now. The same but better person than what I was before my son came into my world.
Bearing him was never easy. It wasn't the same as what other mothers had been. I though I would never survive it. But each time I feel him inside me, his movements and heartbeat, I know I need to move on and enjoy life as what it has always been. And I'm so thankful I wasn't naive at that point and though about him, have him inspire me until I was able to go through.
He brought me so much happiness in life. In fact, I also consider him as my lucky charm for when he came, lots of wonderful things happened in my life, of course, that includes him.
I can't be more thankful of my son. I am so blessed and much more than blessed when he came.
It's amazing how kids, like my 2-year-old could come up with some brilliant idea that have never crossed our minds. Just like what you are about to see in the following video.
We were at my in-laws' ranch at that time. Before that video was recorded, we're all playing with Abi's ball, kicking, throwing, and catching it until all of a sudden Abi was all alone with himself, playing with the ball.
The thing where he's rolling the ball is actually a small grilling pit. The top is just enough to hold the ball and have it roll there. No one taught or showed Abi to do it and he just came out with that idea. It's just so amazing how simple thing can entertain them. We just wish that those things would cross our mind so that we always have something for their entertainment.
I am so glad that Abi's feeling better now, but I'm the one who is sick now though. But I can say it's fine cos I'd rather be sick than my son. That doesn't mean that I wanted be sick. Of course, who wanted to be, right?
Anyway, I'd like to share with you a cute and funny picture of my son.
He was eating a blue candy that his Aunt Yvonne gave him. I really don't know the name of the candy but I know you can choose from a lot of color and he chose blue always. He ate at least three candies and that's what happened to his tongue. I think it's cute, that's why I'm sharing it with you.
This is just one of the cutest things about my son. *wink*
Abi has been sick for almost a week now. He has a cough that started last Sunday, then it went with sniffles and fever for couple of days. Now, he doesn't have fever and clogged nose anymore, but he still has cough and it seems to be very dry.
I really don't like seeing him being sick. I wish I'd be sick rather than him but he's such a fighter. He'd always been a fighter even he was still in my tummy. What's weird is that though he is so sick, he is as active as what he is when he's not which I am so glad about. But still, it's making me worried sick if he is not feeling well. The only thing that I can do is to always be there for him when he needed me.
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My name is Jonaver, a 24-year old mom to a sweet and active 2-year old, Dion Bernard, aka Abi. I'm proud to be one that's why I'm blogging about it *wink*.
This blog is all about my everyday life as a mother to my precious angel.
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