Potty training is not an easy task though. For me, the hardest part about it is the starting point cos since the baby can poop right away in their diapers, it's not easy for them to realize when to poop actually. My son, he'd say that he is pooping, but he means he already did and it's too late for us to put him on his potty seat. But of course, that is part of the training and we just need to be patient about that.
I didn't just started his potty training cos of his age. I knew there are some kids who's younger than him and already started their training. But it's not about the age, it's when they are ready. I knew that he needed to start his potty training cos he'd sit down when he's pooping and try to remove his pants. I think it was a good thing though that the restroom's door in our bedroom doesn't lock cos Abi can follow and see see us if we go to their and take a crap or piss and that triggered him to do the same.
We also decided to not use the usual potty seat for his potty training but the potty seat for toilet one where we'll just the thing on top of our toilet bowl, then he can climb up the bowl with his stool. It is more convenient cos we don't need to worry about cleaning up his poop everytime he would cos it goes straight to the toilet, plus it is more cheaper, and they would know where to exactly take a crap.
For now, it is a matter for us to constantly tell him to tell us when he is about to go so that he can sit on his Spongebob seat (it has Spongebob prints on it and he loves Spongebob). He is always excited to sit and poop there but he doesn't understand when to go yet. I hope he'd be able to understand that sooner and we can say bye-bye to diaper.
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