So, what?! I was right! He did drive but his Daddy's with him..hehe! That was when we went out to my in-laws ranch in Rocksprings, TX. Since it was a private property, it's not illegal to not have kids in their car seat and since Andy know how much Abi wants to get a hold of the steering wheel, he let Abi had the time of his life by letting him do what he wanted. He enjoyed it so much. In fact, when we went back to home, each time we'd go out, he wanted to sit with his Dad on the driver's seat. Unfortunately, we don't want to get a ticket or worst, be in prison for letting him do that here.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Abi's Driving?
Yes, he is, in fact, here's the video as solid evidence that he did. Have fun!
So, what?! I was right! He did drive but his Daddy's with him..hehe! That was when we went out to my in-laws ranch in Rocksprings, TX. Since it was a private property, it's not illegal to not have kids in their car seat and since Andy know how much Abi wants to get a hold of the steering wheel, he let Abi had the time of his life by letting him do what he wanted. He enjoyed it so much. In fact, when we went back to home, each time we'd go out, he wanted to sit with his Dad on the driver's seat. Unfortunately, we don't want to get a ticket or worst, be in prison for letting him do that here.
So, what?! I was right! He did drive but his Daddy's with him..hehe! That was when we went out to my in-laws ranch in Rocksprings, TX. Since it was a private property, it's not illegal to not have kids in their car seat and since Andy know how much Abi wants to get a hold of the steering wheel, he let Abi had the time of his life by letting him do what he wanted. He enjoyed it so much. In fact, when we went back to home, each time we'd go out, he wanted to sit with his Dad on the driver's seat. Unfortunately, we don't want to get a ticket or worst, be in prison for letting him do that here.
Abi is officially on potty training

Potty training is not an easy task though. For me, the hardest part about it is the starting point cos since the baby can poop right away in their diapers, it's not easy for them to realize when to poop actually. My son, he'd say that he is pooping, but he means he already did and it's too late for us to put him on his potty seat. But of course, that is part of the training and we just need to be patient about that.
I didn't just started his potty training cos of his age. I knew there are some kids who's younger than him and already started their training. But it's not about the age, it's when they are ready. I knew that he needed to start his potty training cos he'd sit down when he's pooping and try to remove his pants. I think it was a good thing though that the restroom's door in our bedroom doesn't lock cos Abi can follow and see see us if we go to their and take a crap or piss and that triggered him to do the same.
We also decided to not use the usual potty seat for his potty training but the potty seat for toilet one where we'll just the thing on top of our toilet bowl, then he can climb up the bowl with his stool. It is more convenient cos we don't need to worry about cleaning up his poop everytime he would cos it goes straight to the toilet, plus it is more cheaper, and they would know where to exactly take a crap.
For now, it is a matter for us to constantly tell him to tell us when he is about to go so that he can sit on his Spongebob seat (it has Spongebob prints on it and he loves Spongebob). He is always excited to sit and poop there but he doesn't understand when to go yet. I hope he'd be able to understand that sooner and we can say bye-bye to diaper.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Good body and skin for Moms
While doing my daily search for diet pills, I've stumbled on one review about Leptovox, a fat burner that contains the most powerful anti-oxidants and super foods which we all know is very good for our body and skin.
Anti-oxidants is most known for keeping our organ and body system away from common diseases and cancers, and now it is also known for giving healthy skin as one of it's side effects. Leptovox contains the most powerful anti-oxidants such as Idebenone, an antioxidant first marketed by the makers of Botox, Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE, Green Tea high in EGCGs, Acai, Cayenne Fruit Pepper, Garlic, Soybean Isoflavones, Barley, Wheat Grass, Lactobacillus Acidophillus, Alfalfa Sprout, Flax Seed and Buckwheat.
For me, a diet pill that doesn't just helps us having a sexy body but a healthy one as well is good enough for a Mom like me. Because I can be sexy for my hubby and I can also have the energy I needed to keep up with my active son.
Anti-oxidants is most known for keeping our organ and body system away from common diseases and cancers, and now it is also known for giving healthy skin as one of it's side effects. Leptovox contains the most powerful anti-oxidants such as Idebenone, an antioxidant first marketed by the makers of Botox, Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE, Green Tea high in EGCGs, Acai, Cayenne Fruit Pepper, Garlic, Soybean Isoflavones, Barley, Wheat Grass, Lactobacillus Acidophillus, Alfalfa Sprout, Flax Seed and Buckwheat.
For me, a diet pill that doesn't just helps us having a sexy body but a healthy one as well is good enough for a Mom like me. Because I can be sexy for my hubby and I can also have the energy I needed to keep up with my active son.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Special day
Anyway, we went to the park and had some pizza. Abi played in the playground and we hiked a little bit around the park. Then I saw this beautiful tree which I believe a Japanese Magnolia trees also known as saucer magnolias. It is very lovely that I wanted to grow one once we will be at our permanent home.
After we went to the park, we did our grocery shopping and we retire home then. It always feels good to spend that kind of time with my family. It makes us forget about the bad things and whatever problems we have right now.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Am a living witness that two's not terrible
Whoever had started the phrase "terrible twos", shame on you! I'm sure you are the most terrible kid when you were just two years old. Well, I just hate him/her who said that twos are terrible.
My son just turned two last September, so he's at the stage of what they said as "terrible two", but I'd strongly disagree about that cos though he's causing me headache sometimes (I guess everyone, no matter what age can cause headache too, right?!), but he is always the best thing in my life.
Why two's not terrible?
I'm a living witness and I can definitely say that two's not terrible because now that my son is two...
Those are just few reasons that I can think of right now why two's not terrible and I know there are more than that. And I can't believe why'd somebody would say that two's terrible 'cos I can never find any reason to say and believe that.
My son just turned two last September, so he's at the stage of what they said as "terrible two", but I'd strongly disagree about that cos though he's causing me headache sometimes (I guess everyone, no matter what age can cause headache too, right?!), but he is always the best thing in my life.
Why two's not terrible?
I'm a living witness and I can definitely say that two's not terrible because now that my son is two...
...he is starting to be responsible -- he always remind us when to feed the cats, that he needs to take a bath, he needs to take his vitamins, etc;
...he is very helpful -- he'd feel bad when he can't help us doing the household chores, especially throwing out the trash and you can really see his happiness each time he's able to help, of course, we always make sure that we acknowledge his helpfulness and our appreciation;
...he has become more sweeter -- since he knows how to talk a little now, he has been really vocal about his feelings which makes him really affectionate, such as he tells us "i love you" as much as he can, then he'll kiss and hug us whenever he feels like doing so;
...he is learning right manners -- he's been really good about being polite, like saying "please" whenever he ask something, saying "thank you" if someone gave or did something to him, saying "excuse me" when he belched in public and when someone belched and forgot to say excuse me he'll say "excuse you"; and
...he is such an angel no matter how old he is as long as us, as parents, would continuously guide him of becoming a good person.
Those are just few reasons that I can think of right now why two's not terrible and I know there are more than that. And I can't believe why'd somebody would say that two's terrible 'cos I can never find any reason to say and believe that.
Pretending to sleep
Usually, before we go to sleep or after we wake up, we'd stay in our and just fool around. One of the things that he loves to do is to pretend to sleep, I'll wake him up and he'd act that he is surprised or I'd sleep and he'll wake me up.
One time he did it and I'm glad that I was able to catch it with my cellphone video. So, here it is. Have fun! :-)
One time he did it and I'm glad that I was able to catch it with my cellphone video. So, here it is. Have fun! :-)
Mommy: Okay, pretend that you're sleeping. Stop picking your nose!
Abi: (snoring like Spongebob)
Mommy: Abi, wake up! Abi, wake up!
Abi: asleep!
Mommy: ah, you're asleep? okay.. Abi, wake up! Abi, wake up!
Abi: huh?! (acting surprise)
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Holiday Gifts
I just remembered today that I haven't posted about the gifts I received these past holiday. I know my son's gifts are posted already, but mine aren't.
Anyway, I am so happy to receive a lot of gifts. I got some from my hubby, son, and in-laws. Honestly, this is the best holiday I ever had, gift-wise. 'Cos I remembered myself hating exchanging gifts during the holiday 'cos I always end getting something I don't like. Well, except for my holiday last 2007. I was with my team mates and I got a cute pink, polka dot bag from Jackie which I really like.
Back to last year's holiday, I got a lot of things that I really like. From hubby, I got two pairs of footwear, both purple which is my favorite color. Then, I got a $100 KOHL's giftcard, two pair of purple slipper socks, and an iPod from my parents-in-law. But the most special gift I had is my son's handprint. Actually it was for me and hubby. It was so special.

But, I just wondered how my mother-in-law knew that I like ipods. I just love 'em all!
Anyway, I am so happy to receive a lot of gifts. I got some from my hubby, son, and in-laws. Honestly, this is the best holiday I ever had, gift-wise. 'Cos I remembered myself hating exchanging gifts during the holiday 'cos I always end getting something I don't like. Well, except for my holiday last 2007. I was with my team mates and I got a cute pink, polka dot bag from Jackie which I really like.
Back to last year's holiday, I got a lot of things that I really like. From hubby, I got two pairs of footwear, both purple which is my favorite color. Then, I got a $100 KOHL's giftcard, two pair of purple slipper socks, and an iPod from my parents-in-law. But the most special gift I had is my son's handprint. Actually it was for me and hubby. It was so special.
But, I just wondered how my mother-in-law knew that I like ipods. I just love 'em all!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Fun at the ranch
Last Friday, January 9th, we went to my in-laws' ranch out in Rocksprings, TX. We stayed there 'til Tuesday. I love being in the outdoors and I was so surprise to see that Abi loves it too. He had lots of activities there and he surely did have so much fun.

He rode in the tractor with Grandpa (top left) but his favorite was being in the ATV with Grandma (top right), or actually with anyone just as long as he riding the ATV. Then, he went hiking with me (bottom left) up to the end part of the land. And of course, he never let driving on Daddy's car (bottom right) passed.
I was a little bit surprise with him surviving the outdoors 'cos he's not used to it. Actually it was his first time but he did have so much fun, I can't even describe it. I guess, just being with Grandma and Grandpa, Mommy and Daddy, and doing a lot of unusual (for him) activities there is enough reason for his wonderful moments there.

He rode in the tractor with Grandpa (top left) but his favorite was being in the ATV with Grandma (top right), or actually with anyone just as long as he riding the ATV. Then, he went hiking with me (bottom left) up to the end part of the land. And of course, he never let driving on Daddy's car (bottom right) passed.
I was a little bit surprise with him surviving the outdoors 'cos he's not used to it. Actually it was his first time but he did have so much fun, I can't even describe it. I guess, just being with Grandma and Grandpa, Mommy and Daddy, and doing a lot of unusual (for him) activities there is enough reason for his wonderful moments there.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Should I or Should Not?
I have been battling with myself for a while now about losing some weight. I know I have gained a lot of weight since I gave birth to Abi and it has been bothering me since then. Each time I asked my husband about it, he would say that I do not need to because he thinks I am still beautiful no matter what my weight is, so it is not really bothering him at all. But I know that the decision would still be mine.
There are lots of good weight loss products that is known and proven to work. I have no problems about getting the product though because I have been studying about them ever since I was thinking of losing weight. My main problem right now is I am still undecided whether to go for it or not. *sigh*
There are lots of good weight loss products that is known and proven to work. I have no problems about getting the product though because I have been studying about them ever since I was thinking of losing weight. My main problem right now is I am still undecided whether to go for it or not. *sigh*
Friday, January 09, 2009
Interview with Abi
My son, Abi, is starting to be talkative now. Now that he's learning how to talk, he seems to be imitate pretty much everything that he hears. I guess, it's a good thing though 'cos through his imitating ability, he could learn to talk easily.
Anyway, here's Abi's video while I'm interviewing him and giving him answers too..hehe.
I told ya..he's talkative..hehe.
Anyway, here's Abi's video while I'm interviewing him and giving him answers too..hehe.
I told ya..he's talkative..hehe.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Go To Sleep!!
So, what I'm saying is about the other. We were already in the bed. Kissed Abi good night and gave him his bottle of milk. But me and hubby can't go to sleep yet so we talk and everything like that until Abi suddenly shouted at us "GO TO SLEEP! GO TO SLEEP!".
Uh-oh! We just got ourselves into trouble. We know we are supposed to be sleeping already 'cos we told Abi to go to sleep too, but we weren't a good example to him, so we spank each other for being naughty, hehe (just being silly!).
Monday, January 05, 2009
What's wrong with number THREE?
That's always the question each time Abi counts. He counts 1, 2, 4...always! So, what's wrong with number 3? Honestly, I don't know. We tried hard to teach time to count with 3 but I've only heard him three times counting with number 3. We'd let him listen to us count and emphasizing number 3, but he still counts the way he does, without the 3.
It's really weird though but I hope that he'd learn to count with number three 'cos he'll turn three this year. He's still too young to learn how to count though but he is learning, it's just that number three is always missing. But Mommy won't give up until he learns the proper way.
It's really weird though but I hope that he'd learn to count with number three 'cos he'll turn three this year. He's still too young to learn how to count though but he is learning, it's just that number three is always missing. But Mommy won't give up until he learns the proper way.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
New Template, Again?!
Yep! I have a new template, AGAIN!
I'm sorry guys but I can't help it. When I saw this template, I instantly feel in love with it (like how I felt when I saw the past templates I've used!). I hope that this would be the last template that I'll be using with this blog though 'cos it's not easy to change template. I am not really good at keeping the widgets and HTML, etc. so I'd like to ask an apology to those who've exchanged links with me 'cos I can't have it back anymore. Trust me, I tried my best but I'm just not good at it. Really. So, if you think that we've exchanged links and my blog is on your list, please buzz me 'cos I'd be really glad to list you on my Blogroll again.
Anyway, I'd like to thank Gis of Gisele Jaquenod and Birdie for letting me have this beautiful template for FREE. The last template I had, Birdie's Good Life was made by her too. Ain't they pretty? :-)
Another news is this blog has earned Page Rank 2. Finally, the Internet God had seen this blog. I created this last September 24th and now it's ranked.
Keep coming back for more adorable stuffs about my son. And before I forgot,
I'm sorry guys but I can't help it. When I saw this template, I instantly feel in love with it (like how I felt when I saw the past templates I've used!). I hope that this would be the last template that I'll be using with this blog though 'cos it's not easy to change template. I am not really good at keeping the widgets and HTML, etc. so I'd like to ask an apology to those who've exchanged links with me 'cos I can't have it back anymore. Trust me, I tried my best but I'm just not good at it. Really. So, if you think that we've exchanged links and my blog is on your list, please buzz me 'cos I'd be really glad to list you on my Blogroll again.
Anyway, I'd like to thank Gis of Gisele Jaquenod and Birdie for letting me have this beautiful template for FREE. The last template I had, Birdie's Good Life was made by her too. Ain't they pretty? :-)
Another news is this blog has earned Page Rank 2. Finally, the Internet God had seen this blog. I created this last September 24th and now it's ranked.
Keep coming back for more adorable stuffs about my son. And before I forgot,
Happy New Year
from me and my family. :-)
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