Every kids has always something that they are really attached with. Most of the time are some kind of stuffed animals. But my son is always attached to his pillow and for now, with his milk bottle.

His pillow is actually a stuffed dog but it can be spread out to form a pillow. I got it from my sister-in-law from those things that she wants to get rid of. Eversince I put on my son's bed, he was inseparable from it. Everytime, he asked for milk which he normally drinks from his bottle, he would ask for his pillow. He never drink his milk if he doesn't have his pillow. But at least when we are at his grandparents's house, he knew that his pillow is not there so he has another pillow which is a purple one.
It is alright to tolerate our kids with those things as long as we know that it won't hurt them. Because having something that they are attached with such as toys or like my son, pillow, meaning they know that there is something they can be comfortable with. Believe it or not, if they know that they can be comfortable with something, they feel confident about dealing with other people and encounter other toys which can be good with their interpersonal relationship.
(please read)
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