We normally always have ice cream on our fridge coz aside from we all love ice cream, we use that as a treat for Abi. Or sometimes it serves as a reward each time he does something nice at the table.

This picture was after one of our dinner. Abi ate a lot that time so we think that he deserves a treat which was ICE CREAM. Obviously, he loved it so much and it shows that he can't get enough of it.
Well, actually got the idea licking the bowl from my sister-in-law. She sometime teaches Abi some silly stuffs not to mean him harm but just to make him silly sometimes which what he is now. I can be silly too but I guess I got it from my husband (Peace Hon!).
Anyway, that is how Abi enjoys eating ice cream. Lick the bowl and all. He even can have his hair eat some ice cream too. hehe. But, of course, he doesn't know any better yet.
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