His real name is Dion Bernard but we call him Abi, you may read the reason behind his nickname here.
He was born on September 24, 2006 at 8:13am in Northern Mindanao Medical Center located at Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.
He has a dark brown hair and eyes, a light brown complexion, and weighed 6.16 lbs when I gave birth to him. But he is 27 lbs now that he is 2 years old.
I can say that he is a very active kid, just like the normal kids moves and interact. He loves mac and cheese so much, as well as jone's supreme, biscuits, gold fish creackers, pudding, and of course, just like the other kids, he also loves ice cream, cake, and candies.
For now, his favorite toy is airplane. He is so much crazy about it, he can't go anywhere without an airplane or more in his hands. He likes helicopter too and anything that has wheels on it or just the wheels itself.
He is a strong kid. He won't cry easily. He won't cry if he would fall or slipped or hit himself unless it really hurts. Usually I am more hurt seeing him in situations like I mentioned but actually he is not. He would try not to cry if someone's mad at him and scolding him, it could be me or his dad. But he would cry so much if I am away from him and he would realize it otherwise he is fine.
he is a very observant kid. We always make sure that if we are doing something that we don't want him to do, we would not let him see us doing it or else you will see him doing it the next time you see him.
I am very happy and blessed to have a son like Abi, He is everything I ever wanted for a son. He is sweet, smart, healthy, and everything else. But whetever he could have been, I would still love him the same.
He keeps giving me reason to live my life and love it because he is part of it. His face makes me realize how wonderful my life is and his smile gives me reason to smile. His hug makes me strong and his kiss makes me feel loved much more than any love that I can imagine.
hi there jon! Ds s Phebie...i already added u n my bloglist...magka age lang pala yung baby natin....week lang ang pagitan.. I gave birth last oct 7, 2006 here at Madonna Hospital..hehhe...
He is a beautiful kid. It really sounds wonderful to have children- I hope it happ0ens to me too soon. I'll add all your blogs tom. ha.We are about to go hiking today;)
Kacute kaayo sa imong baby o! :)
Thanks for the add Pheb..Taga CDO ka rin? What a small world!
Lapit na bday ng anak mo..
@Momma Wannabe:
It is really nice Jade.. I am praying that you will have yours soon too so that you will know the joy of being a mother
@The Holleys:
Thanks! He is really cute..
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