Since I already mention about summer, let me tell y'all some of the things that we're planning to do for the whole summertime. But they're just plans, not sure if they'll gonna happen yet but we're hoping it will.
First, us [hubby and me] together with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law will go to Schlitterbahn waterpark by end of August, as part of their/our yearly summer activity. We had it originally plan for early summer but some things happened that changed it so it was moved. We did it last year by September and we had a blast. This time, we'll gonna go to the different part of the park since it is a pretty big one.
Late spring of this year, we already did our camping we're planning to do
rv camping one of these days coz our son really enjoy it. Of course, for all we know, he only wanted smores [lol].
Those are just of the positive plans we have right now but we wanted to do more. It'll only depend on all of our work schedules. But just like each summer, we always wanted it to be worthwhile.
My sister-in-law who is living with us is about to move out. So, me and hubby was planning on how are we going to rearrange the house now that Abi will gonna have his own room. I'll probably change almost everything inside the house, now that I have the freedom to do so and without worrying where to put everything coz all the things will be here and just all ours.

So I was looking around the house to start the plan and was shocked to see in one of our kitchen cabinets that is full of expired
weight losss supplements [expiration date: 2007]. All of those were my sister-in-law's coz she went into a diet program before and for some reason stopped it. So all of her diet products had gone to waste. I talked to hubby about it and he said that he already talked to her about it and she said that she's still gonna use them coz they're still good but not as effective. But we doubt it very seriously. Anyway, those are one of the things that she's gonna take with her [hopefully] and we'd be able to make use of the space with all of other stuff from our wedding as a gift that we hadn't took from the box yet.
For now, I pretty much know where to put almost everything. I will probably do all the planning but of course, it'd still be both of our [me and hubby] decision about where everything should go. I'm so excited!
I have changed my status now. Instead of being a work-at-home Mom, I am now a working Mom. I finally got my employment authorization card [my Greencard as well] and got a job. My first day was a breakthrough for my 2-year-old coz it was the first that I was away from him and a different person taking care of him, my brother-in-law, Kevin. He got away from me couple of times but it was either, my husband, my parents-in-law, or my sister-in-law watch him. But never cried or whined for me while he was at Kevin's house. Of course, he had so much fun their too coz his cousins, Kevin's sons were there. In fact, each time I go to work, he would think that he's gonna be at Kevin's house.
By the way, if you are looking for a trusted Automated External Defibrillator [for public and private use], such as
Philips AED. Get it online at
So after work, back to blogging again. Now that I am more exposed here, I guess I'll have more interesting things to share to you, so you better watch out! *wink*
We are searching for a new, bigger home right now. Our home right now is just enough but really don't like our neighborhood. We wanted a nicer community and all. So we looked to see if we can find somewhere we really like.
We love our
manufactured home, so we are looking for another same type of house, only bigger. We have a singlewide and we wanted a doublewide. So I looked online and found very nice houses at Actually, I think I already found the one that I wanted, and for sure, hubby would approve too. Below is the floor plan.

I really like it coz it has a foyer, big living room, fireplace, hidden kitchen/dining, 3 bedrooms, and lots of features included.
If you wanna see more manufactured or mobile homes, just visit your website that there's a lot to choose from.
Personally, I consider myself a little vain. I always freak out with zits. So I always have my acne creams with me. Without acne means confidence for me. Most effective acne creams are a little bit expensive but you can find affordable ones that works as great.
I have a friend who used to have a lot of pimples on her face but was able to get rid of her pimples after she used
Acnetix. An all-natural acne cream that contains tea tree oil, white willow extract, and green tea which are the most common ingredients for skin remedies. Since I've heard about the product, I searched it online and found that provides information and reviews about acne treatment products. I found out there that Acnetix is one of those affordable acne creams that may work just like the expensive ones.
So if you have acne problems, don't let it to be your problem forever. Use a product that would eliminate it.
It is really sad to hear about someone being in a really bad accident that takes their ability to move normally, thus, being disabled. It is more sad when that person is the breadwinner in the family. I can't imagine how that family would ever live but somehow in someway they should survive and live through their lives.
That is why it is very important that every people has health and all other related insurance so that when unexpected things happen such as accident, the financial matter would be covered (at least, part of it, sometimes). Also,
social security disability insurance would be a great help.
So it is good to get your insurance from a trusted company and it is very helpful to get a trusted agency to help you process in getting your Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, just like
Allsup. I actually just stumbled upon their website and impressed to see that they have 98% success rate for processing SSDI with them. When you choose a company or agency, make sure that most of their are satisfied with their service and that's how you know that they are good and to be trusted.
I just realized that my son has favorite song now. And it goes like this,
I love you You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
Won't you say you love me tooDoes it sound familiar? Yes, of course coz it's the
I Love You song by the infamous purple dinosaur, Barney. Who kids doesn't like that song, right? My son is not a Barney fan but he adores him and he loves this song so much. He likes me singing it to him while we're rolling on the bed. I so love the way he exclaims "Let's do that again!" each time I finish the song. I always love times like that!
(please read)
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