Giving birth is never easy, especially when you realized the after-effects of it. I am not saying that I didn't enjoy it because I truly cherished the day that I gave birth to my angel. But giving birth changes everything in life: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and just everything.
One physical problem that I had after giving birth is gaining too much weight. Before I got pregnant, I weighed 94 lbs. Of course, I gained weight while I am still pregnant, but I was thinking that my weight will go back after I gave birth. I was wrong because I weighed more than how I weigh when I was pregnant.
Now I am trying to lose weight because I am always more comfortable with the body I have before. While trying to work out on it, I am also searching for something that would help me lose weight faster. Then I found Phentermine. They said that it is proven safe by the FDA as an appetite suppresant.
I haven't tried it yet but I am looking at it. Hopefully, it can help me a lot to have the weight I had before.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Updating this blog
I feel so bad for not updating this blog as much as I wanted too. As you all know this blog is all about my son and me as his mother. I would like to fill this up with lots of pictures and videos of each captured moment of my son. But it is hard for me to do that right now due to some problem that I am having with the computer that I am using. Each time I tried to upload photos or videos, it keeps giving me an error message about computer memory. The only reason that I can think of about that problem is my computer doesn't have enough memory or something like that but unfortunately, I don't have any idea how to fix it.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
My Active and Independent Son
One of the things that I am proud about my son is that he is always active and healthy. In fact, since we came here in Texas from the Philippines, he never got sick yet with the weather that keeps changing, but I got sick about twice already.
Another thing is he is very independent. Yes, he would ask for me once in a while, but compare to other kids I've encountered, my son can entertain himself without needing someone to be with him. Though sometimes, he would try to do some things that he is not supposed to do so I still require an adult supervision, but as long as you are in the same room with him, he is gonna be fine playing all by himself.
Anyway, the following video is taken while we were at the playground and it showed how active and independent he is.
Another thing is he is very independent. Yes, he would ask for me once in a while, but compare to other kids I've encountered, my son can entertain himself without needing someone to be with him. Though sometimes, he would try to do some things that he is not supposed to do so I still require an adult supervision, but as long as you are in the same room with him, he is gonna be fine playing all by himself.
Anyway, the following video is taken while we were at the playground and it showed how active and independent he is.
He is never be afraid of anything
Almost every week, during my husband's off, we would go to a playground so that we can all go out and bond together. Of course, we know that our son enjoys it so much and though he already had a full exercise by just running around the house, he can have more exercise in the playground.
One thing I noticed about my son is he is not afraid of anything. Just like what he's doing in the following video.
Honestly, while looking at him doing it, I was more afraid than him. While I was taking the video, I am giving my husband a look to make sure that nothing harm will happen to our son. But Abi was fine and even after that video, he kept coming back to that same stair and tried to climb without any hesitation.
One thing I noticed about my son is he is not afraid of anything. Just like what he's doing in the following video.
Honestly, while looking at him doing it, I was more afraid than him. While I was taking the video, I am giving my husband a look to make sure that nothing harm will happen to our son. But Abi was fine and even after that video, he kept coming back to that same stair and tried to climb without any hesitation.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Me and My Mom's Similarities (From
I took a test on about if me and my Mom are the same. I just answered some questions truthfully and the following is the result.
The result is somewhat true. But I can't really tell if it is true, but all I know is that I am proud of my Mom and she will always be the best Mom for me. Well, I maybe more like her but she did some things that I think which is not good as a mother, spoiling your child, which I am trying my best to avoid doing so. I don't know yet if I am doing what I wanted and what is right though.
You Are Somewhat Like Your Mom |
Believe it or not, you and your mom are pretty darn similar. It may not seem like it at times, but you and your mom have a lot of common ground. You and your mom do understand each other well. You may just need to work on communication. Over time, you'll probably get closer ... especially if you emphasize the things you like about each other. |
The result is somewhat true. But I can't really tell if it is true, but all I know is that I am proud of my Mom and she will always be the best Mom for me. Well, I maybe more like her but she did some things that I think which is not good as a mother, spoiling your child, which I am trying my best to avoid doing so. I don't know yet if I am doing what I wanted and what is right though.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Visit to his cousin, Kevin Jr.
We visited Kevin, Jr., son of my husband's brother, Kevin today. It was his birthday last Wednesday, Nov. 12, and today is a small get together for Kevin's family which is us.
Abi had so much fun and got very excited with all the toys of his cousins. New toys are really interesting for kids, even if it is just new on their eyes.
Well, there are a total of 4 kids in their, my son, Kevin Jr., Keegan, and CJ, Shonda's nephew. I stayed with them in the playroom which made me babysit all the 4 of them. It was so overwhelming and exhausting because they all need attention. I even said to myself that there is no way that I will have 4 kids.
Anyway, I was surprise coz being with other kids, which I don't normally do coz I am just with Abi alone most of the time, made me realize that Abi is far better than the other kids. I am not saying this in a bias way, but I am really observant about other kids' behavior.
I was playing with the other kids' earlier coz they wanted my attention, like play with them with this and that, but my son, he was just very contented playing all by himself. He was able to entertain himself coz he knew that my hands are full. I felt bad about it coz I know I should be playing with him instead of the other kids. But he's handling himself pretty well which made me a very proud Mom.
Abi had so much fun and got very excited with all the toys of his cousins. New toys are really interesting for kids, even if it is just new on their eyes.
Well, there are a total of 4 kids in their, my son, Kevin Jr., Keegan, and CJ, Shonda's nephew. I stayed with them in the playroom which made me babysit all the 4 of them. It was so overwhelming and exhausting because they all need attention. I even said to myself that there is no way that I will have 4 kids.
Anyway, I was surprise coz being with other kids, which I don't normally do coz I am just with Abi alone most of the time, made me realize that Abi is far better than the other kids. I am not saying this in a bias way, but I am really observant about other kids' behavior.
I was playing with the other kids' earlier coz they wanted my attention, like play with them with this and that, but my son, he was just very contented playing all by himself. He was able to entertain himself coz he knew that my hands are full. I felt bad about it coz I know I should be playing with him instead of the other kids. But he's handling himself pretty well which made me a very proud Mom.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
JennyL's Birthday Bash
Hey gals and guys! I spotted another big event in the blogosphere. A so-called mini contest hosted by Jenny of Jenny Talks, Ir is her way of celebrating her birthday month and her birthday would be this coming 16th. But this contest would run November 30th.
It is very easy to join. Just click on the contest logo below for more information.

Great prizes huh?! Don't let tjis chance pass and join Jenny in her birthday celebration. Com'on!
It is very easy to join. Just click on the contest logo below for more information.
$20 from Jenny Talks
$10 from Nita's Random Thoughts
$5 from When Mom Talks
$5 from Buzzy Me
1,000 EC Credits from A Slice of Life
500 EC Credits from A Life in Bloom
500 EC Credits from Simply Me
500 EC Credits from Nita's Corner
500 EC Credits from Great Finds and Deals
500 EC Credits from Batuananons
125x125 ad spot from Thomas Web Links
125x125 ad spot from Simply Jen
$10 from My Fruitful Voyage
$5 from Moments of my Life
$5 from Blessings in Life and Nierva Dot Com
$5 and 500 EC Credits from Kitchen Deelite
500 EC Credits from Way of Life in OZ
500 EC Credits from Because Life is a Blessing
500 EC Credits from Fab & Chic Finds
500 EC Credits from Filipino Online Community
500 EC Credits from Computer Technology Gadgets
125x125 banner ad display from My Precious Niche
125x125 banner ad display from Food on the Table
$5 from Fab Finds, etc.
$5 from Just Blogging It and PRC Board Exam Results
500 EC Credits from Around HongKong
500 EC Credits from Whats Up!
500 EC Credits from Digiscraptology
700 EC Credits from My Cross Roads
500 EC Credits from Healthy Living and Lifestyle
125x125 ad spot from Thomas Travel Tales
$5 and 500 EC credits from A Mother's Horizon
1,000 EC Credits from Nierva Dot Com
500 EC Credits from This and That
500 EC Credits from Scraps & Shots
500 EC Credits from Rumination
125x125 ad spot from Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts
125x125 ad spot from Tech Stuff Plus
$20 from Jenny Talks
$10 from Nita's Random Thoughts
$5 from When Mom Talks
$5 from Buzzy Me
1,000 EC Credits from A Slice of Life
500 EC Credits from A Life in Bloom
500 EC Credits from Simply Me
500 EC Credits from Nita's Corner
500 EC Credits from Great Finds and Deals
500 EC Credits from Batuananons
125x125 ad spot from Thomas Web Links
125x125 ad spot from Simply Jen
$10 from My Fruitful Voyage
$5 from Moments of my Life
$5 from Blessings in Life and Nierva Dot Com
$5 and 500 EC Credits from Kitchen Deelite
500 EC Credits from Way of Life in OZ
500 EC Credits from Because Life is a Blessing
500 EC Credits from Fab & Chic Finds
500 EC Credits from Filipino Online Community
500 EC Credits from Computer Technology Gadgets
125x125 banner ad display from My Precious Niche
125x125 banner ad display from Food on the Table
$5 from Fab Finds, etc.
$5 from Just Blogging It and PRC Board Exam Results
500 EC Credits from Around HongKong
500 EC Credits from Whats Up!
500 EC Credits from Digiscraptology
700 EC Credits from My Cross Roads
500 EC Credits from Healthy Living and Lifestyle
125x125 ad spot from Thomas Travel Tales
$5 and 500 EC credits from A Mother's Horizon
1,000 EC Credits from Nierva Dot Com
500 EC Credits from This and That
500 EC Credits from Scraps & Shots
500 EC Credits from Rumination
125x125 ad spot from Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts
125x125 ad spot from Tech Stuff Plus
Great prizes huh?! Don't let tjis chance pass and join Jenny in her birthday celebration. Com'on!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Abi's Spoon Trick

I know this trick is kinda old and lots of people may know how to do it. But I guess they lick the spoon first so that it would stick on their nose. But with my son, I just put the spoon on top of his nose and it would just hang there. Kinda cool for me. What do you think?
Maybe my son would want to work on the circus someday coz he knows some trick like this one. Oh well, just a part time though. lol
Saturday, November 01, 2008
SimplyWP 3 months Blogversary Contest
Another big contest event is happening in the blogosphere and this time, it's SimplyWP is hosting it. This is to celebrate it's blessed 3 months endeavor in the blogging and world wide web. They gained lots of achievement for the past 3 months that they existed in WWW. They are giving away cash prizes, 47,000 EC, and ad spaces. If you want to join this contest, just simply go to
Anyway, the following are the prizes in the said contest:
Amazing huh?! So, don't just be amazed. Join the contest and get the chance to win some of these cool prizes.
Anyway, the following are the prizes in the said contest:
Prize #1: ( $15, 15000 EC Credits, ad spots )
$10 from BlipBit
$5 from My Life's Adventure
5000 EC Credits from Wiehanne Lounge
5000 EC Credits from Wiehanne Contest
1000 EC Credits from Random Detoxification
1000 EC Credits from Michael Aulia's Tech Blog
1000 EC Credits from dramas of my life
1000 EC Credits from Momiespace
1000 EC Credits from LupuSurvivor
125x125 ad spot for 2 months at Pastel Corner
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at Call Center Gal
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at 24x7 Online Diva
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at Love Is A Precious Gift
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at A Message From My Heart
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at The Journey
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at Only in Silence
125×125 ad spot for 1 month at Hit-or-Miss
Prize #2: ( $10, 12000 EC Credits, ad spots )
3000 EC Credits and $10 from My Own Utopia, Sasha says, Sasha's Corner
3000 EC Credits and 125x125 ad spot for 1 month from
1000 EC Credits from Life Together Starts
1000 EC Credits from A Housewife's Journal
1000 EC Credits from Make Money Online
1000 EC Credits from ThemeLib
500 EC Credits from All Healthy Tips
500 EC Credits from All Blogspot Templates
500 EC Credits from The Joy Of Life Forever
500 EC Credits from The Fountain Of Happiness
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at Call Center Gal
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at A Simple Married Life
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at Pinay Freelancer
125x125 ad spot for 2 weeks at 24patrol
Prize #3: ( $5, 9000 EC Credits, ad spots )
$5 from Earning Money Online
3000 EC Credits from Medan Daily
1000 EC Credits from Gettin’ Personal
1000 EC Credits from I Love Nice
1000 EC Credits from Erikson's Home
1000 EC Credits from Multiply Themes
500 EC Credits from Heart random
500 EC Credits from Name Sherry
500 EC Credits from Days of My Life
500 EC Credits from Thomas Travel Tales
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at A Simple Married Life
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at 24x7 Online Diva
125x125 ad spot for 1 month at Pinay Freelancer
Prize #4: ( 5500 EC Credits, ad spots )
2000 EC Credits and 125x125 ad spot for 1 month from Night Clicks
500 EC Credits and 125x125 ad spot for 1 month from
500 EC Credits from Nita's Random Thoughts
500 EC Credits from Nita's Corner
500 Entrecard Credits from Healthy Living and Lifestyle
500 Entrecard Credits from Arts and Entertainment Center
500 Entrecard Credits from
500 Entrecard Credits from Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts
Prize #5: ( 3000 EC Credits, ad spot)
1000 EC Credits and 125x125 ad spot for 1 month from atenean101
1000 EC Credits from The Couch Potato
500 Entrecard Credits from Filipino Online Community
500 Entrecard Credits from Great Finds and Deals
Prize #6:
500 EC Credits and 125x125 ad spot for 1 month from Wonderful Things In Life
Prize #7:
500 EC Credits and 125x125 ad spot for 1 month from
Prize #8:
500 EC Credits and 125x125 ad spot for 2 weeks from Contest For Bloggers
Prize #9:
500 EC Credits from Thomas Web Links
125x125 ad spot for 2 weeks at Journal of Journey
Prize #10:
500 EC Credits from
125x125 ad spot for 2 weeks at
1 year webhosting from
1 year domain name of your choice from SimplyWP
Custom theme design for Wordpress from SimplyWP
Amazing huh?! So, don't just be amazed. Join the contest and get the chance to win some of these cool prizes.
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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by the author, Jona Kuhn. For questions about this blog, please send an e-mail to admin[at]dionsmom[dot]com or just simply leave a comment here.
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